

okay, i admit it.

not like you have to force it out of me...

i don't like byu.

never really have. haha

i had a breakdown. it was pretty pathetic.

my roommate is cool.

everything else? not sa much.

this is the beginning of a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONNGGG year, people.

brace yourselves.




no place like home.

i'm home.

3 weeks gone.

i couldn't be happier.

what i discovered about myself- my NEW, grown up self -is that i really am a country girl at heart.
i love small towns.
and i love simplicity.
and i definitely love not being RUSHED!

anyway, i'm happy to be home and happy to be starting a new chapter in my life starting next week.

this change came at a really good time...

this morning i found out that...well...remember that one guy from my story, wayyyy back in like...april? haha well....

he's engaged.

i mean.......i knew it was over.....


it kinda sucks! haha

on the other haaanndd, somehow i feel like it helped me get over him.

maybe that's because i don't wanna be the weird ex-girlfriend who is still in love with her married ex-boyfriend. weird.


i guess this is my opportunity to change everything.


my never ending journey.

traveling was never a big exotic and exciting novelty to me.

it was normalcy.

i've been around strange people, strange places, and been in more than my share of strange situations!

i used to loathe this kind of thing, but i have found that as i have been provided with more time to find ME, that these people, places, and things have made me who i am today.

traveling gives me alot of time to think.
-long plane rides
-long walks in the countryside
-long walks in charming towns across europe
-long days without my phone.
there have only been less than 100 meltdowns total...
-long days without facebook

you get the idea.

i used to be afraid to talk about my life in england/europe. as i mentioned in my last post, i dont like it when people ask me questions about my life. i thought that people would think i was bragging, and i didn't want to make fake friends just because i was the cool half-english or half-american girl. i wanted people to like me for me, and i still somewhat feel this way! alot of people actually think im MEAN! which is hilarious, really, especially if you know me!

i'm shy. okay, maybe not SHY, but i am definitely closed off. i don't let people in very easily, especially in situations where alot of people are around. obviously there are exceptions, but i guess i come off pretty cold. i don't find any reason to apologize! haha

anywayyyyyy, today i am wrapping up my stay in my english hometown -coventry- and i am heading to london tonight. i'll be there until thursday.

then, italy til sunday.
cruise from sunday to sunday going around italy, greece and turkey.
then, back to italy until the following tuesday.
