
to my prince charming

i found this on a friend's blog and loved it.

i believe in fairy tales.
i believe in happily ever after.
i believe in my prince charming (you) and the man of my dreams (you again!)
i believe in finding a light at the end of the tunnel.
i believe in kisses that can wake me from a deep sleep.
i believe in you fighting for me.
i believe in conquering your enemies.
i believe in finding out who you really are.
i believe in getting extremely lost in the woods.
i believe in getting help from your friends.
i believe in millions of sky lanterns dotting the sky.
i believe in dancing and singing.

i believe we have a spectacular fairy tale.
i believe that you're my knight in shining armor, and I'm your damsel in-not-so-much-distress.
i believe that you can help me through anything.
i believe that you can rely on me and be yourself.
i believe we can conquer worlds together. Hand in hand.
i believe that we can have a marriage more beautiful than our wedding.
i believe that you're not perfect, and neither am I - but I believe we still love each other in all of our weaknesses.

i believe in waking up in the middle of the night to you stroking my hair.
i believe in giving you butterfly kisses.
i believe in raising a family together.
i believe in you being my strength in my trials.
i believe in supporting you when you're just too tired to deal with it all.

i believe in growing old together and still looking at each other with adoration.

i believe in you.
i believe in me.
i believe in us.