

you know those people you see on the street, and in your mind, you're judging them and making conclusions about their life before you even speak to them?

did it ever occur to you that the person wearing that hideous sweater, or being really annoying actually belongs to someone who LOVES them??

back up...ya know how people refer to their families as crazy, but at the end of the day, you love them anyway because they're your family?

well, if you consider how many lives were lost on september 11th, 2011, it should bring the point home that every single one of the people lost on that day, belonged to at least one person, if not a family who still cares for them, loves them, and every single day until today, mourn the loss of their loved one.

on the flip side, because of the events that occured on that day, soldiers are half way across the world sacrificing their time, their happiness, their safety, and ultimately their lives.

be grateful.

this is mike on 9/11 in iraq!

this is jake in iraq!

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