
just another post...

ya know that cliche about how if you ever faced the person who did you wrong, you would know exactly what to say and then give them a huge slap in the face? well.....it's alot harder than it sounds.

last weekend, i had that experience. it's been about six years since the unspeakable events that took place, and i was SURE that if i ever saw him again, i would make sure he went to jail. okay, maybe not, but i really did just wanna punch him in the face.

i was at a concert with my brother and as we were walking, this guy pulled my brother aside and said something like, "hey! i know this guy!" and they did their stupid bro hug or whatever, and my brother, the sweetest guy ever, of course is like, "hey man! how are you?". all the while, i'm just standing there thinking, "oh HELLLLLLL no, that is NOT who i think it is."---and of course it was. he didn't even acknowledge my presence, except for the creepy smile he gave me after he realized it was ME, and not duncan's girlfriend. i couldn't even look at him in the eyes.

i stood there looking off into the distance, trying not to be too haunted by the memory that he left seared in my mind. if i would have had the courage to say something to him, i honestly don't know what i would say. how lame is that????
anyway, i'm still creeped out.

in other GOOD news, senior ball is this weekend!long dress or short dress---that is the big dilemma on my mind. oh and how am i going to do my hair?!! these are the things that i worry about. pathetic-i know.

and in SINGING news, i am going to california next week to compete! wish me luck! even though i don't need it..........kidding.

and in OTHER news, my hair is getting pretty long so that could actually be classified under FANTASSTTIICC news.

that's it.

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