
too much to ask?

ya know how you go through your day and no matter what you're doing, that guy somehow slips into your mind and then you start thinking about how much you love being around him and how much you love his smile and then you start smiling like a freak while looking at that last text from him that said "hey what's up?", and then your heart starts pounding to the point where you can't even take in air and people start looking at your weird?



is it so much to ask to wanna be with a guy who's the same?

okay, i take that back...

i just want a guy who reads my text over and over again wondering what to say and who grabs his hair when he calls me because he's so nervous, but when we're around eachother, it's like we've been together for months...

i just want a guy who is excited to see me and holds me tight for at least 5 seconds before he lets me go, making sure that i know he never wants to let me go...ever...

i just want a guy to like me!

is that too much to ask?!?!


Life is short.

This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once; seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.
Live your dream, and wear your passion.
Life is short.



all a girl really wants is for one guy to prove to her that they are not all the same.


get it. got it. good.

you want something >> you get it.

you have it >> you love it.

you've had it >> you're good.

lets talk about boys.

i think you get the idea.

and if you don't the idea.......don't kiss them.

don't give them what they want.

why do you think people say play hard to get?! because the chase is the only fun you're going to have until you find a decent guy who STILL WANTS YOU!!!!!!!!


puddle jumping.

so a while back, i made a comment on facebook about how people who have problems should stick to their blog because the whole world doesn't really care about your problems.

which is true.

so...here i am, problems and all.
(this is the point where you decide if you want to sit here and continue to read all my problems.)

today it rained.
call me crazy, but i love gloomy days more than anything.

as i was walking to class this morning, there were puddles everywhere.

it got me thinking about how puddles are what you make them.

you can freak out and walk around the puddle because it might ruin your shoes-and if you ARE going to ruin your shoes, PLEASE go around the puddle.

on the other hand, you can jump in it. you can embrace the liberating feeling of...jumping in water? sure. point is, any situation is what you make it.

take me, for instance, seeing as it IS my blog....just sayin'...
(don't worry, here come my problems so here is your second oppourtunity to stop reading.)

i hate my major.
alright...........im not even going to get into my list of things to complain about. why? because im going to make my situation what i WANT it to be.

i once heard a quote that stuck with me...


hits home, eh?! therefore, i am going to pretend like i love my life. i mean, i do love my life. but im not going to FOCUS on the things that upset me, rather i am going to focus on the things that make my life extroadinary and simple, such as jumping in a puddle!


day of birth.



it was my birthday.

didn't really feel like it.

and no worries i've just been waiting for it ALL YEAR.

that's too bad.

but at least i have good friends and family who were nice to me...

i like my friends.

especially scham.